Monday, April 1, 2013

The latest installment of drama...

UGH. ugh. ugh. It's never ending.

I had not "talked" to D since Tuesday when I kicked him out. He shows up Saturday about 11:30. Um, what? That's not in the agreement. S had already seen him, he came over unannounced. I couldn't send him on his way, for her sake.

He was clearly on edge. AS WAS I as the FB anniversary post had just happened the day before.
S: Why are you here?
D: What, you want me to leave?
S: I want you to abide by the mediation agreement. Do you know what that is?
D: No.
S: What, you SIGNED it. Here let me tell you what it said, blah blah.  How long will you be here?
D: I can leave if you want.
S: NO, you're here now, that's not fair to them. How long will you be here b/c L was going to come over and give me an hour break so I can run to the grocery.
D: Oh, you're stealing my friends now?
S: Um, WHAT? She knows you moved out. She knows I am caring for three kids. She is being HELPFUL.  Oh, and do you want to come over tomorrow after I get home from my parents, to see the kids on Easter?
D: Huh? You're taking 3 kids by yourself?
S: Um yeah, I've been in charge of all 3 for quite a while now.
D: That's the way you wanted it.
S: No, I wanted a sober husband.
D: You need to lose the attitude and check yourself. CUE ME LEAVING FOR THE BEDROOM AND LETTING HIM FEND FOR HIMSELF, WITH 3 KIDS.

He stayed for a few hours. Asked me to tag him in the picture of S dying Easter eggs. You know, b/c he was actually sitting at the table with her, trying to look engaged and interested.

Last thing we decided before he left was that I would call him when I was on my way home from my parents so he could come over. I sent him an e-mail, and called 3 times. No response. Finally, I e-mailed ARE YOU COMING OVER. He responded NO. And that was it. Prick. Stupid idiot f'ing prick. Thank GOD I did not tell S she would see him.

THEN, he posts on FB Sun night that he had a really bad day and he hoped today was better. Blah fucking BLAH. He had a crappy day because he CHOSE to have a crappy day.

And now, for the big finale...cousin H texts me this AM to let me know that D e-mailed her bff (who he doesn't even know in real life, just via FB). He told her he was going to be in Baltimore on business in a few weeks and thought he might hang out with her and her husband. UM, WHAT THE WHAT?! H and I did a bit of detective work. Our local baseball team is playing in DC in April. Apparently, he's going!?! What REALLY pisses me off is that the dates that we confirmed are Mon and Tues and those are the days he is SUPPOSED to watch his kids. FUCKER.

I really wonder if he's stopped his mania meds. Something is most definately up.


He called about an hour ago and asked me to do him a favor. I told him we needed to talk about why he didn't show up yesterday. He first told me he wasn't welcome. I said 1) it was Sunday, a new week, 2) we had already decided on Saturday that you could come over. You SAID you WOULD and then you DIDN'T. I ripped him a new one regarding trust and reliabilty and responsibility. I told him I cannot live with this week to week crap, and that if he has serious interest in remaining in his kids lives he needs to think of an alternative that he can stick with. (We all know he can't stick with anything). I asked what suggestions he had. He said he didn't know. I said that's not an answer, and he needs to think of something by tonight. That it's not fair to S, or to me, or to the twins. I reminded him than "yes, you do also need to think about me as I will be the one raising your children."

Fuck. fuck. fuckety fuck. Jack ass.

Oh, and the breathalyzer "disappeared." Luckily, Best Buy had another in stock today;)

Now, I'm on my way to meet the tenants for their walk-through since they're all moved out. I just cringe thinking about having to look them in the eye.

1 comment:

  1. All I can offer is a virtual (((hug))) and say that D is lucky I don't live close-by. Clearly I don't condone violence of any type, but I could so smack him! What a jackass. I'm sorry that you have to deal with his crappy attitude, lack of caring, "woe is me" attitude... but what really sucks is that the "in and out" of their lives is going to confuse the kids. Being a father isn't something that you do on a whim or whenever the mood strikes you. Going out of town on top of it all... lying about having business out there... UGH! What he's doing is just cruel - but you already know that. Such a JACKASS.
