Friday, March 15, 2013


It's very obvious that Thursdays will be the death of me. Not only do I work a full day, but I have to drop the babies off at one house, and then take S to her daycare and THEN go to work. Yesterday went like this.
6 am            alarm
6:30             out of bed (really need to work on this!)
7:20             wake/feed babies
7:40             S awake (alot rides on how much she actually wants to get OUT of bed)
8:11             pulling out of the drive way
9:06             pulling into work.
4:15             left work
4:35             pick up S
4:45             pick up babies
5:10             home


Almost an hour commute to drop everyone off. Holy crap! I need to get my own butt out of bed by 6:15, and things would be much better.  Once home last night, I made dinner (grilled cheese, if you call that dinner), did a load of laundry, put another load away, bath x 3, cleaned A's poop out of the bathtub, took dumpsters to the curb, ran a load of dishes.

Babies in bed at 7:40.  I was still in my work clothes, and shoes at 8 pm. I had 2 bites of grilled cheese, a left over chicken nugget, 1 cheese stick, 2 spoonfuls of Nutella, and a glass of wine.

YES I had a glass of wine and it was HEAVENLY!

I briefly "talked" with D on FB yesterday, to figure out plans for the weekend. I asked how he was, how our dog was. He did NOT ask about our children. Pissed me the F off. I imagine that he assumes if something were wrong I'd let him know, but HELLO, ASK about your kids.

I officially have new car insurance, with a differant company from his. Also, in an effort to protect any assets I/we have, I purchased an umbrella policy, which covers anything in my name up to 1 million dollars, should D decide to get stupid drunk, and then get behind the wheel.


  1. You are my hero for doing all you do in one day with 3 children. I get exhausted when I have to run all around town with 1. And good call on the insurance changes.

  2. Thank goodness you made those insurance changes! I keep meaning to suggest it and subsequently forgetting to do so... but you've got your head on straight & you know what needs to be done to protect yourself. :) I'm exhausted just reading about your day. You may have been exhausted, but you managed to get it all done. Mom's ARE superheros you know! :) (and we both know the Nutella definitely helped pull you through!) ;)
