Monday, March 4, 2013

Gotta give him some props

This blog is very obviously a place to air my my feelings, vent, and share all the dirty details about my life living with an alcoholic. However, I have to give credit when credit is do.

Our house has.been.sick.since Friday morning. I woke up Friday morning to A having thrown up all over her crib. I cleaned her up, got her and C in the bath, and was getting ready to prepare their breakfast. D walks in (from his apartment) and says "why aren't they in their high chairs yet?" Um, ass-hat, b/c A puked and I had to clean her first. I said it more nicely than that, though. Anyhoo, I went to work, leaving D there with all 3. During the day on Friday, A puked again, C puked twice, and finally D threw up. He dealt with it all, although really, what choice did he have?

He then offered to spend the night Friday night. Well hell YES I took him up on that, but luckily all was well. He stayed all day on Saturday to deal with the fussy babies and then went home that night. Sunday morning, he was supposed to come over about 11:30. I called him at 10, because I felt like death. He was there shortly after, and stayed all day, while I spent about 5 hours in bed.

I understand these are things that a husband SHOULD do. I get that. But it was so nice, given the circumstances, that he did help so much. I honestly don't think I could have done it on my own.

NO, there is no doubt in my mind that I'm happy he's out of the house. But, I do still like spending time with a sober D.

First mediation appointment set for this Saturday morning.


  1. You're right husbands should do those things, but even some dedicated sober husbands won't touch the puke and will run far away from a sick house, so he deserves the props, especially for also letting you get the rest you need.

  2. Good for you for giving props where props were due! I like that in a time of need, even while being sick himself, he stepped up. That being said, that is what a father should do for his children... and I wish for all of you that sober D was around more often.
